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Image by Patricia McMahon

Sunday, March 31, 2019 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Notice of Annual Meeting to take place on Sunday, March 31, 2019 at the home of Constance and Stuart Greenfield, located at 274 Sturges Highway in Westport. 


Proceedings will open with a briefing on various issues facing the town.


Topics to be discussed to include:


  • The Status of 8-30g Projects already in the Pipeline (Hiawatha Lane, Lincoln St., Garden Homes, Morningside, etc.)

  • Water Issues and the Aquarion Tanks

  • Potential Impact of the State's Plans for Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

  • The DOT's plans for The Cribari Bridge

  • The Status of Our Campaign to Limit the Use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers


That briefing will be followed by a public session during which all will be invited to raise issues, state their opinions, and suggest topics for consideration.

If you are unable to attend, you can support SWN by making a contribution online. Here's the link:

We'd also love to hear your ideas and recommendations. Please email us at We want to hear from you!


With many thanks for your past and future support,

Valerie Seiling Jacobs & Ian Warburg, Co-Chairs


Non-profit and non-partisan, Save Westport Now works to benefit ALL residents and for future generations, emphasizing sensible planning and the enforcement of carefully crafted regulations.


Please note that joining Save Westport Now does NOT affect your ability to join or support any other political party.


When neighborhoods are threatened by commercial projects, we step in and help.

When developers and others want to change regulations to the detriment of our town's charm, we speak up.


When a planning decision will negatively affect neighborhoods, we get involved.

More information about SWN can be found on this website or on our Facebook page.

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